Turnkey Retirement Vol. 12

$40B Dollar Short Story, What Does Cathie Know?, Mortgage Payments, Gold For Dummies 101, and A Message From Our Clowns In Washington

Turnkey Retirement Newsletter: Volume 12

Trump is a felon. Joe is still asleep. 

Is it November yet?

What a time to be alive.

Let’s Dive In.

A $40B Dollar Short Story

Everyone starts somewhere. Stay focused on where you are at. My favorite line is “If it’s good enough for your money, it’s good enough for mine”.

Someone retweet that.

What Does Cathie Know?

Ark Invest opts out of participating in the Ethereum ETF. As she is innovative and looking for ways to put her investors with technology, she smells something here that would not bode well for them. 

Also, maybe it does not provide the type of returns she would be looking for…

How About Those Mortgage Payments

Seems like the year of Record Highs. Probably not done yet. As long as these interest rates are higher for longer, we will see more records shattered.

Gold for Dummies 101

Gold has outperformed stocks and bonds since 2001. Great article to check out.

A Message From Your Clowns In Washington 🤡

Makes you think. Now more than ever the questions we have matter, especially with our money. Stay vigilant!

Closing Word

It’s easy to become concerned with all that’s happening in the world. 

But, if we approach information as it comes to us as just information, then we can process it appropriately. 

What do we really need to fill our minds with to make us more productive? Give us more peace?

Unless there’s an event happening directly in front of you, much information is just speculation, there to help us make better decisions as things happen.

Enjoy the blessings around you.

Remain grateful and thankful. 

And look for opportunities to serve those around you!

So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.” Matthew 6:34

To Freedom,



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