Turnkey Retirement Vol. 21

How eQRP and Smart Planning Can Maximize Your Social Security Benefits and The Fed is Stealing From You

Turnkey Retirement Newsletter: Volume 21

Finally, some “good” news in the economy – “inflation” is down!

Minus most of the items that the average American actually purchases consistently, of course.

As more things change, what stays the same is the fact that we need to keep a decades-long mindset when it comes to our planning for the future.

How eQRP and Smart Planning Can Maximize Your Social Security Benefits

Social Security is crucial for many retirees, but maximizing benefits requires careful planning due to outdated tax thresholds. eQRP provides the resources you need to prepare for retirement. By considering strategies like Roth conversions before claiming Social Security, you can minimize your tax burden and secure a more stable financial future.

The Fed is Stealing From You

Your weekly reminder that the Federal Reserve believes that slashing your saving’s value by 50% every 25 YEARS is a GOOD thing….. In other news, an ounce of gold still buys the same stuff it did in 1920.

Closing Word

The last two weeks have seen as much uncertainty as we can remember. In my mastermind, which meets monthly, the focus has primarily been getting back to the basics in our mindset surrounding money and investing. 

It’s easy to stop looking at investments through the lens of “what real value does this asset hold” and get caught up with numbers on the screen that are easily manipulated. 

In my monthly mastermind, we’ve focused on finding the tangible value that a potential investment gives, not just the expected return. In the long run, investing in something that’s real and can solve a specific problem has traditionally turned out well.

To Freedom,



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