Turnkey Retirement Vol. 24

How TurnKey Retirement is Impacting the Lives of Individuals

Turnkey Retirement Newsletter: Volume 24

At Turnkey Retirement, we created an established and efficient process to set up your retirement accounts that provides the ability to pivot into physical assets (away from the algorithms and manipulated numbers on Wall Street’s screens), hold your hand through the process to move money around and create an environment that helps ease the uncertainty of finding places and people to help you grow your retirement nest egg confidently.

One of our favorite ways to do this is through case studies – our members learning from each other about what they did that WORKED.

Here’s a success story from one of our members we had last week: 

We connected with someone by the name of Jen from Vermont after she was introduced to us by one of our eQRP members. You could tell right away that Jen was looking for a solution to her family’s retirement strategy. Her and her husband have dedicated all of their efforts to their large family and their very large family business. However, they’ve overlooked a very big part of their life: retirement. Jen expressed their need to really buckle down and make it a part of their current conversations knowing that they can’t put it on the back burner any longer. Fortunately, she was connected with an eQRP member that understands first-hand the value we offer. Our member expressed our Turnkey service and after our conversation with Jen, it was just what she needed. Before the call, Jen wasn’t totally sure how she could be successful in self-directing her retirement. However, after the call, she had the peace of mind she needed to move forward. Here’s a direct quote from Jen she sent to us via email the same day she connected with us: 

“Very informative and I’m so grateful to be connected with such great people. I’m excited to get going and start making the necessary changes we need to grow! “

Closing Word

If you or someone in your life is looking for a better way to prepare for retirement, give us a call. We’d be happy to talk through your current strategy (whether you have one or not) and talk about how self-directing your retirement could be the key to your success!

To Freedom,



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