Turnkey Retirement Vol. 8

Is Fitness Investable?, Rate Hikes, Non-Competes Ousted, China Driving Gold Market, and Update from Clown World

Turnkey Retirement Newsletter: Volume 8

Fitness is a moving field goal for investing.

Fed is playing possum.

Non-competes are done…or are they? 

Let’s Dive In!

Is Fitness Investable?

Peloton has over a billion dollars on its balance sheet and has not turned a profit since December 2020. Although they have some best-in-class features, the fitness industry is like steering a canoe. The fads can change overnight, and let’s be real. People like the idea of fitness until they have to put their shoes on. People want the magic pills, not the work required.

From 4 Rate Cuts in 2024 to Rate Hikes

Ultimately, inflation can’t be controlled. Core CPI right now is up year over year by almost 4% vs where the desired 2% is targeted. Safe to say “Higher for longer” is becoming more true.

Non-Competes Ousted

Great news for the blue-collar people in commodity market jobs. Let them be happy. But as we move towards C-Suite Inc. 500 companies, trade secrets are important. And big banks will always take the little bank. So if another major company (say Amazon) wants to grow strategically in a market where the opportunity is in the $100’s of millions, they can just pay other executives crazy salaries to brain dump their knowledge about pricing models, tech, etc. from the competitors they worked for. This can be boiled down to an ethical scenario, but we, unfortunately, see how money will make people cross lines they never thought they would without thinking twice.

Is China Driving The Gold Market?

Gold beans are a great investment, but terrible for digestion. China is raking in as much gold as they can in as many different ways as they can. People are hungry for stability in a hyperinflationary environment.

Update From Clown World 🤡

Every American is asking the question...”Where is the money?” 

Lucky for you it’s in the form of an IOU.

The Closing Word

I came across a great statement this past week in my morning readings that I thought I would share with you:

“The Greek word for worry in Scriptures is a wonderful compound of two words that mean "divide" and "the mind”. To worry then, is to divide the mind. Anxiety splits our energy between today's plans and tomorrow's problems. The result is half-minded living.”

What can we do this week to be 100% in mind today? Leaving tomorrow where it is until we get there?

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” - Matthew 6:34

To Freedom,



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