Turnkey Retirement Vol. 15

Is this the Demise of the PetroDollar?, How the West is Affecting the Commodities Market, and Looking for a Miracle...

Turnkey Retirement Newsletter: Volume 15

Happy 4th of July!

I hope everyone is enjoying time with family, friends, and neighbors – grilling out, launching freedom into the sky.

Maybe you can hit the driving range on your day off to make your golf swing important enough to also be a topic of conversation in a historic presidential debate.

Let’s Dive In.

Is this the Demise of the PetroDollar?

Saudi Arabia has decided to trade their oil with their buyers in currencies other than the U.S. dollar, marking a significant departure from their traditional methods of selling oil exclusively for U.S. dollars. Given the inflation of the U.S. dollar and decreasing global confidence in it, now is an opportune time to explore alternative assets instead of holding cash. Precious metals have historically provided peace of mind to investors, and for those seeking a stable place for their volatile U.S. currency, Badger Tribe Community offers valuable resources through My Gold Advisor.

How the West is Affecting the Commodities Market

Interesting take here on how the West’s stance towards other nations (oh, here’s BRICS again) has led to the stockpiling of gold. Our very own, Taylor Huff, has been yelling from the rooftops in Birmingham about this for months. This worldwide sentiment for “God’s money,” in addition to many states in the US eliminating capital gains tax on gold and silver, has been a fun conversation starter for many over the last couple of months.

Looking for a Miracle…

Feeling let down by your 401k returns? An eQRP plan lets you reinvest your company-sponsored retirement funds into alternative assets with historically higher returns. Discover the potential of eQRP for a more promising financial future.

Wrapping Up

On this Independence Day, I hope we all can take a moment to reflect on the freedoms that we enjoy subconsciously.

May we not take them for granted and remember what July 4, 1776 kicked off – and the men and women that built what we benefit from today.

To Freedom,



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