TKRN: Volume 7

Non-Competes Banned, Gold Reset, TikTok Holds Its Ground, and Car Loan Rates Jump

Turnkey Retirement Newsletter: Volume 7

Good to see you all back again!

I apologize for the break in communication.

Lots has happened. So let's dive back in.

Non-Competes Are Being Banned

What does this mean for the economy? 

Well, higher wages for people who now can come out from under these clauses and contribute immediately to the market. TBD on the effects on corporate companies and their trade secrets, etc. 

A Gold Reset?

A third of the debt wiped out, moving numbers, and no behavior change from those spending the money. 

Bandaid on a bullet hole in my opinion.

TikTok Holds Its Ground

Most people look at TikTok as a weird Gen Z trend. 

Did you know that the platform generated 14.7 Billion dollars for small to midsize businesses and $24.2 Billion for the economy in 2023? 

Something to pay attention to in a creator/influencer economy.

Auto Market

New car loans are reaching new levels above 08’-09’ at 8% interest with delinquency rates at 4% in the subprime market.

With consumer debt still trending up, is this one of the first markets to break?

More News From Clown World 🀑

Just remember, it’s all a show. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the entertainment.

The Closing Word

"Do not wear yourself out to get rich; do not trust your own cleverness." (Proverbs 23:4-5)

The pursuit of rapid accumulation for the sake of accumulation does not bring certainty into one's life.

Why run yourself ragged to build that fat bank account if there is no purpose beyond that?

Rather, focus on the meaningful purpose that those resources can offer you.

1. Healthy Relationships (Friends, Spouse, Kids)

2. Purpose

3. Generosity

4. Contentment

5. Wisdom

These things listed above will make your pursuit worthwhile and have far more impact than you can imagine.

"A life well spent earns and uses money to buy time to impact people to be productive members of society. First family, and then others. It is a life that focuses on the eternal over the temporal so that you get to the end of your life with no regrets" - Russ Crosson

To Freedom,



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