Turnkey Retirement Vol. 9

OpenAI Releases Chat GPT-4o, GameStop Screwing Wall St., Mother's Day Tribute to Canada, Interesting Factoid, and Clown World

Turnkey Retirement Newsletter: Volume 9

If there is one thing to be true,

It’s the compression of time when you place technology at the center;

And that’s the headline for this week.

Sarah Connors was really warning us about Open AI.

Let’s Dive In.

OpenAI Releases Chat GPT-4o

King of the Hill Google is being challenged as Apple is looking to integrate Chat GPT into its IOS 18 update, which does not spark confidence for Google. This gives Open AI the scalability it has been looking for with one of the most innovative companies in the world. 

Here is the release of the flagship model GPT-4o if you want to really rabbit hole what’s happening:

GameStop (GME) Screwing with Wall St. Again!

Goes to show that Wall St. doesn’t like it when you start pulling the rug out from under them. It’s not truly a fair market when you halt trading because you don’t like the results. Kind of like starting a level over in a video game when the odds are stacked against you…you just quit or cut the system off so you don’t have to deal with defeat.

A Mother’s Day Tribute…To Canada

As the rest of the world is buying up gold like it’s going out of style, I guess Canada forgot to hedge itself against…itself - a good reminder to just stay south of the border.

An Interesting Factoid

This is just a reflection of where consumer’s attention is with their finances. 

Which is just making it to tomorrow. 

They don’t have capacity to start thinking about investing in their future. 

Interesting to see what “retirement” looks like years from now with the implications of decisions being made today by our leaders. 

Let’s Check In On Clown World 🤡

Oh boy. You are the average of the 5 people you surround yourself with. Somehow this guy is in a position to give our president financial advice. 

As always, do your own research. Challenge everything. And do not pay this dude for any financial consulting services.

The Closing Word

I have been on a journey these past few years learning how money works.

One of the most profound principles of money is around giving. 

We have heard the verse from Acts 20:35 “It is more blessed to give than to receive”. 

As I have plenty of stories to share about how this one principle has shifted the way I look at money, I would like to invite you to read this story when you have some time from a business legend, David Green, from Hobby Lobby.

His book titled “Giving It All Away, And Getting It All Back Again” is an amazing journey of one businessman who tested this principle of giving in his personal life, then to his business. 

I encourage you to read this as you ponder the principles of money and consider this in your own life if you have not. 

The returns will be far more infinite than you can imagine (yes, even better than Bitcoin)!

Audible is my personal preference as it is a narrative of his life and is an easy listen on walks.

To Freedom,



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