Turnkey Retirement Vol. 19

What Do Lower Interest Rates Mean for Precious Metals?, Private Money Lending As An Alternative, and Elections Matter

Turnkey Retirement Newsletter: Volume 19

Today brings a pivotal Fed meeting.

Will they lower interest rates and help us climb out of this silent recession we’re in? 

Will they keep them steady? 

Let me know your thoughts.

What Do Lower Interest Rates Mean For Precious Metals?

When interest rates drop, history tells us it’s like a big green light for gold and silver prices to surge. Lower rates mean bonds become less attractive due to their falling yields so smart investors turn to other safe and proven assets, like gold. Lower rates also indicate that something is happening in the economy, usually negatively. This also pushes people to safe-haven assets like gold and silver to safeguard their wealth and hedge against a possible fresh surge in inflation. On average, silver has returned +332% in the last three Fed rate-cutting cycles.

Private Money Lending As An Alternative

The Feds are making decisions over the next 60 days that will continue to impact borrowing needs across the country. Businesses and individuals are searching for alternatives outside the traditional lending space. Are you considering private money lending as a part of your eQRP strategy? This could be a new concept for you–fortunately, eQRP's Community has resources for you to get caught up to speed.

Elections Matter

Should we be weary of organizations notorious for constantly looking for more control, acquiring more control? I’d love to know the answer. 

There’s just something about your wealth being… Tangible… You know?

Over the course of history, applying new and dangerous rules to just a few seems to be the gateway drug to new and dangerous rules applying to many.

It may not apply to you right now, but think about 10, 15, 20 years from now.

Closing Word

Even in the darkest economic times in recent memory, wealth has been created.

Many examples do not include the “traditional” investing system. 

I’ll encourage you to do some research today on an asset class you haven’t invested in before, the threats it's facing right now, and what could be done to rebound in a worst-case scenario.

That mindset has served many people well when they were willing to get off the sidelines when the traditional system told them to stay put.

To Freedom,



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